dear mortal,
spoken moment
being big and small; lessons from a plane and from below a big rock; are you flossing?

being big and small; lessons from a plane and from below a big rock; are you flossing?


Reminder! For any Colorado folk, tomorrow Saturday the 19th I will be co-hosting a workshop with my beloved friend Briana in Black Forest! Message me for more details.

Apparently it’s World Pleasure Day! May you pleasure yo self good.

Thanks for listening, may you be big or small or anything in-between as you see fit. xo

dear mortal,
spoken moment
My human field notes from my mouth to your tender ears.
If you want to learn more about me, head over to my substack: dear mortal,
Otherwise stay tuned for my ramblings on life as the ultimate hang out, muse, provider and supporter, as well as all the neurosis that are invited to the party. xo