dear mortal,
spoken moment
Current Awakening: The self actualization that there is no self to actualize, actually

Current Awakening: The self actualization that there is no self to actualize, actually


This is my first time using software to create a podcast! It was a tad frustrating and really fun to have editing skills. Enjoy!

Here I be rambling. On non-dualism, self emptying, and what I think reality is. Collapse comes up a tad, as well as resources and community. I discuss (and read from) the work of philosopher mystic Simone Weil, Jim Newman (the radical non-dualist), Jesus and Buddha. Using the word "details" as a prayer to bring me into my body and the moment, and trying to remember the awe of this experience more than anything else. 

If you want to watch a Jim Newman, the radical non-dualist, video click here. It’s so trippy, and a bit annoying. I am not saying I agree with or have adopted this view point (which according to him you can’t) but it does speak to me on some levels.

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dear mortal,
spoken moment
My human field notes from my mouth to your tender ears.
If you want to learn more about me, head over to my substack: dear mortal,
Otherwise stay tuned for my ramblings on life as the ultimate hang out, muse, provider and supporter, as well as all the neurosis that are invited to the party. xo